Quazatron: RPG
Current version: v0.1_M1
Welcome to Quazatron: RPG page. Here, you can read some information about this game and download the latest version.
06.02.2006: We screwed up version naming, so today we present version 0.9_M1!
21.01.2006: Version 0.2_M1 was released a while ago internally (it's too ugly to show to decent people).
New screenshot added!
09.01.2006: Version 0.1_M1 released. Main addition: pathfinding.
30.12.2005: Created SourceForge project page.
22.12.2005: Fixed error with non-NVIDIA cards.
1. История
Q:RPG based on old arcade game from ZX Spectrum named Quazatron. Stroy: during deep space exploration humanity encountered race of intellegent machines. Without a warning they began to attack human colonies. Attempts at contact were unsuccesful. Alient technology was better and humanity was losing one battle after another. But two things happend that could just turn tides of wat: first, recon team found home planet of Quazzi (human name for race of robots). Second, finally, during planetary combat uncrippled robot was captured. Earth scientists reprogrammed and modernized it a little and now KLP Klepto's task is to sneak into giant robots' HQ and destroy it or obtain some information that will help humanity to survive.
2. Features
QRPG will be 3D RPG with turn-based combat. Also, it will utilize Grapple concept from original game: device that allows you to gain access to enemy robot's brains. Since Klepto can't defeat all robots in Quaztron (the name of HQ) in direct combat, game will consist not only of combat part, but also will contain peacefull quests and dialogs. For destroying enemy robots and completing quests, Klepto will gain experience (Code Points) - parts of that will allwo him to develop his skills further. There will be several endings to game (3 at least)
3. System requirements
DirectX 9.0c (?????????)
See SF page
Version naming (important!):
Number after M means number of Milestone. So, version 0.1_M1 is somewhat like v0.0.1.
5. Planning:
Quazatron RPG planning:
Milestone 1: basic engine
* Grapple
* Animation
Final version: v1.0_M1
* Everything fixed and going
Milestone 2: fully working first level
Final version: v1.0_M2
Milestone 3: to be determined
Final version: v1.0_M3
6. Current features
- Fixed level mesh is loaded
- Bot is loaded
- Camera can be rotated and zoomed in/out
- Point on floor where user clicked is calculated
- If clicked point if out of bounding volumes of level, nothing happens
- Global pathfinding via modded A* works now (not very accurate since it estimates distances using centre-point of portal, which is wrong in case of long portals)
- And much more...
7. Screenshots
Version 0.9_M1, main window
Main UI
Bot in room (v0.0_M1)